Friday, July 25, 2008

Classes and More Adventures

So I finally have my class schedule finalized (I think). I switched out of the History class. It was going to be dull, dull, dull. So, now my schedule goes like this...

Monday: No Class
Tuesday: World Religions (10-1), Marine Bio (1-2)
Wednesday: Aboriginal Studies (10-1), Marine Bio (1-2), Globalization Tutorial (2-3), Globalization Lecture (4-6)
Thursday: Marine Bio (1-2)
Friday: No Class

World Religions is looking pretty interesting. My prof. seems a little nutty, but hopefully that will just make it all the more interesting. I haven't had my Aboriginal Studies class yet, but it's all about the Torres Strait Islander people of Australia. Hopefully, that will be good because I switched into that so I wouldn't have to take the History class. Marine Bio is pretty cool so far. Seems pretty laid back. Globalization seems to be picking up where my last International Business class left off, so I'm happy about that.

All of the classes here are based on very few assignments for the final grade. Most of my classes have a single essay and test and one small assignment to make up the entire 100%. It's a little nerve-wracking having something count for 45% of your final grade. Anyway, that's pretty much all I have regarding school right now.

Jordan and I booked plane tickets to Sydney in a couple of weeks. Definitely looking forward to that. And I paid some money on Flickr so I can have unlimited picture uploads (instead of just 100 MB), so I'll be able to post tons of pictures from that trip. We're also looking into dive trips on the Great Barrier Reef, but that probably won't happen until we get closer to spring break at the end of September.

That's all for now.


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